Personal Property of Lemar & Doris Yeske - Witt, IL
Personal Property of Lemar & Doris Yeske - Witt, IL
Check out this estate! There is something for everyone. Some of the things you'll find are:
Glass and flatware collections (Noritake & Hall Dinnerware)
Marble collection
Vintage Valentines
Assorted sized crock collection
Multiple sets of bedroom furniture
China hutches
Removal May 17, 12-5 PM
Buyer is responsible for removal of all purchased items. Come prepared to load your own items and pack your own breakables. Shipping is available on some items. Lots are marked if we're unable to ship them.
Staggered ending auctions allow items to end on an individual lot level. Time will extend on each individual lot that has active bidding. When bidding has stopped on said lot the lot will close.
6 jugs per box for a total of 12 1-gallon jugs. Brands: Vino, etc. Some of the bottles still contain flavored syrup. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-Gallon Jugs. Markings include Vino, Fountain Syrups, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-gallon jugs - Some are marked with different syrup flavors. One has misc. liquid inside. Markings include: bleach, Pepsi, Fountain Syrup, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-Gallon Jugs. Markings include: Bleach, Fountain Syrup, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-Gallon Jugs. There are two boxes of 4 jugs and one box of 6 jugs. Markings: Fountain Syrup, Bleach, Cider, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-gallon jugs. Markings: Bleach, Cider, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
3 boxes of 4. Markings: Coke, Bleach, Misc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
12 1-gallong jugs. 4 are full of misc. syrups. Markings: Bleach, Cider, etc. Not all jugs have labels on them. They are all in boxes with other jugs.
Buyer is responsible for removal. **NOT AVAILABLE FOR SHIPPING**
Quart and Pint canning jars with a bushel basket of lids. They are all in boxes with other jars.
Branded Ball and Misc. Appx: 30 jars.
Appx 40+ Jars. Good mixture of Jelly-size, Pint, Quarts, and lids.
Appx. 35 jars. Mixed sizes. All appear to be Ball brand.
Appx. 50 Ball pint jars and 20 Blue Ball Quart-sized jars. Bushel basket of lids.
Misc quart canning jars, some wide-mouth. Appx. 30+ jars. Bushel basket of lids.
Appx 25+ Ball Quart jars and 8 misc. branded jars. Bushel basket of lids.
Appx 9 1/2 gallon jars, some misc. band. Basket of canning lids. Cold Packer canner with rack for jars.
5 bushel baskets. 2 have lids.
4 Coffee jars, 3 2-piece snap lids, Glass lids for canning (Presto and Ball) with rubber gaskets. Sealed one dozen pint zinc-capped mason jars.
6 boxes of 2-piece home canning caps, 2 boxes of zinc caps, 4 Coffee Jars, berry baskets, 6 Knotts Berry Farm jars.
These are hanging and buyer will be responsible for removal.
Model: 1655
Serial No. 15-021-411
115 Volts
0.8 Amps
Appears to be in great shape! Untested.
Metal, 4-shelf display shelf. Coca-Cola logos on both sides. 35" wide. 55' tall. 19' deep.
Contents not included!
Shelf only!
Buyer will need to plan to remove this at the end of the day on pickup day or call to make other arrangements.
Shelf only!
Buyer will need to plan to remove this at the end of the day on pickup day or call to make other arrangements.
Shelf only!
Buyer will need to plan to remove this at the end of the day on pickup day or call to make other arrangements.
Untested. 37.5" wide. 36.5" tall. 12.5" deep. The back side of it has a hinged door that opens up.
There is hairline cracks along the inside top. Bottom is solid. The lip does have some small chunks missing. Please see images.
Great condition. No noticeable cracks anywhere. See images.
No branding aside from the gallon marker. No signs of cracking. Top portion is glazed.
Not branded aside from the gallon marking. Very minimal chipping on inside lip. Good condition.
Noticeable chunk missing on the outer, front of the jug. Minimal other signs on wear.
There are a few cracks in this crock. Handles are in tact. Logo is smeared. See images.
Few hairline cracks and small chunk missing from bottom. See images.
No visible branding. Handles are in tact. There is one visible crack, but is still in tact.
This has no visible branding. There are handles built into the pottery itself. No visible cracks.
No visible branding or markings. No cracks or blemishes.
No visible brandings or marking. No visible blemishes.
2 Gallon Crock. Unbranded. There is a cracked rings around the top and on the inside.
8" bowl marked USA on bottom. There is a chip in the lip of it.
10" Macomb Stoneware Co. bowl. Visible cracking inside bowl.
12" bowl. No branding marked on it. There's on visible vertical crack and has old tape around the outside lip.
Unbranded. No visible markings. Handles build into stone.
1 gallon crock is unbranded with no visible cracks.
3 smaller crocks of various shapes and sizes. The brown one has a shiny glaze.
1 gallon crock is White Hall branded. No visible cracks
Brown jug with a handle. The bottom is marked "Fire proof Acid Proof" No visible cracks.
Small unbranded/marked bowl/dish.
Unbranded 4 gallon crock aside from the number stamp. There is some visible cracking.
5 Gallon crock from The Buckeye Pottery Co. in Macomb, IL. There are handles built into the crock. There is visible cracking and chips out of it.
Unbranded aside from the gallon marking. No visible cracks or chips.
Unbranded aside from the gallon marking. Some visible cracking. See images.
Dual color glaze. No visible branding aside from the gallon marking. The inside is all glazed brown. Handles build into the stone. Some visible cracking. See images.
1 Gallon unbranded, unmarked crock. No visible chips or cracks.
1/2 Gallon unbranded, unmarked crock. Few small chips on the lip. One visible crack.
Appx 1 gallon jar with no lid. No handle either, but the holes for the handle are in tact. There are some visible hairline cracks.
1 Gallon unbranded crock with a hole drilled in the bottom.
1 Gallon unbranded taller crock with no visible markings.
Set of smaller, matching crocks with bowled bottoms. No signs of cracking.
Kaukauna Dairy Company butter crock with lid and working handle. Rubber gasket is dry rotted.